Welcome to French at Heart, a photography blog with few words, but many pictures of a country I love, France. All of the photographs were taken by my husband, Dean Polis, and myself, Dawne, and edited in Adobe Photoshop. If you like what you see, I would be honored if you'd leave a comment. And if you would like to learn our Digital Photography secrets, and make photographs like these yourself, [ oh, yes, you can do it!] we would be happy to lead you on an image making adventure to France with us. You may contact us here or at my email iluvfrance@wildblue.net
Our work is available for purchase and licensed by McGawGraphics.com

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Photography Workshop~~PARIS~~July 11-16

b o y  w i t h  r e d   b a l l

s i m p l e  b & w, o r...

  t e x t u r e d...or...

t h e  "p a i n t e r l y"  p h o t o g r a p h

a n d  e v e n  i P h o n o g r a p h y

at versailles

Dean and I are leading a
 Photography Workshop in Paris and Normandy
 July 11-16

We would love to have you join us as we photograph the Eiffel Tower, the Seine, and the streets of Paris,
spend Bastille Day at Versaille,
travel to Monet's gardens at Giverny,
and sleep in a French Château!

All photographers are welcome, 
from beginner to expert.

For more details, please email Dawne at

We Hope to see you HERE!!!


  1. I WISH I COULD GOOOOOOOO but next year, NEXT YEAR!!! LOVE all of these and they make the prettiest pinterest board!!! HUGS! Anita

  2. Hi Dawne,

    Beautiful and I really love the one with the red ball and the umbrella.
    So wish, I could join you... would be a wonderful trip.

    Happy new week

  3. Dearest Dawne
    Oh how I wish I could join you.... it all sounds wonderful! What stunning pictures as always.

    Thank you for thinking of me and leaving your kind comments. Working day and night at the moment. The play is a success but I am SO very tired!
    I hope to be back in the land of blog soon.
    Sending love and hugs your way.
    Abby xx

  4. Hello Dawne

    Beautiful, uplifting images. I am sure your trip will be absolutely fabulous. You have all the right ingredients for a successful trip including yourselves as guides. What a dream trip.
    Wishing you much success and thank you for your encouragement and support

    Helen xx

  5. Hello Dawn! I love to find another sister in the Lord. He is so good all the time. My heart just beats because of him.Amazing.Utterly Amazing!!!!!I also want to let you know if you ever find any pictures on my blog that you would like to use for a project you are welcome to them!!!! I have some georgeous venice photos still to post.I think you probably do not need any help with beautiful photos.Amy from Charlottes Brocante

  6. I really love that "painterly" picture. I found it on pinterest as Lilac Moon. It is just beautiful and perfect. I like it very much. I would be happy to be able to create something like that. Maybe some day... :)
