Welcome to French at Heart, a photography blog with few words, but many pictures of a country I love, France. All of the photographs were taken by my husband, Dean Polis, and myself, Dawne, and edited in Adobe Photoshop. If you like what you see, I would be honored if you'd leave a comment. And if you would like to learn our Digital Photography secrets, and make photographs like these yourself, [ oh, yes, you can do it!] we would be happy to lead you on an image making adventure to France with us. You may contact us here or at my email iluvfrance@wildblue.net
Our work is available for purchase and licensed by McGawGraphics.com

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I  t h i n k  t h e r e  m u s t  b e  
s n o w

a t  M a r i e  A n t o i n e t t e 's  
h a m e a u


  1. Snow and a full moon! My idea of heaven :-)

  2. YOU Magical and WONDROUS FRIEND, YOU. THANK YOU for this touch of magic for this morning of going in to work to do my routine. Your artistry always sends me sailing into my imagination!!! Anita

  3. Oh My Goodness, Dawne, this is exquisite!!

  4. Hauntingly beautiful, dear Dawne!
    Merci, chere amie...
    - Irina
